What is PyCORN-Web?

PyCORN-WEB is web interface to PyCORN, a script/library written in Python to extract data and optionally plot result files from UNICORN Chromatography software. Source code of PyCORN is available on GitHub under GPLv2 license.

How do I use PyCORN-WEB?

Drag & drop your .res or .zip file on the upload-field on the home-page, wait for the upload to complete. On the subsequent page just set xmin/xmax and other options and hit DOWNLOAD PNG to obtain a high quality PNG file.

Is it possible to change the colors?

At the moment not. This is planned... when I have time ;-)
Be aware that the colors of the web-interface are random as the data is requested in a more or less random order, resulting in random colors. The PNG file will have consistent colors.

Is it possible to plot multiple files to compare?

At the moment not.. again planned. One way to make comparison easier is to plot all files in a rather flat way, by using dimensions of 10x3. Then stack multiple runs on top of each other in graphics program.

My file is not being plotted, what can I do?

If you experience problems with a particular file, get in contact via the feedback option. Alternatively via GitHub.

Data policy

PyCORN-WEB runs on Google AppEngine. Files are stored in a lifecycle enabled storage bucket of Google Cloud storage. What means "lifecycle"-enabled? Files are automatically deleted by Google if they are older than 1 day. Likewise plot files are accessible 24 hours after creation. This ensures files are deleted after 1 day. A bug in PyCORN-WEB will not affect this, in fact even if PyCORN-WEB stops running the files will be deleted in a timely fashion.